Thank you for visiting this site. I just love sharing my Crochet hobby with all of you.
This site has over 1,500 crochet charts free to download or print. I am always adding more. for updates.
I create many things with yarn, I just can't help it! You will find my own crochet dolls and patterns.
Free Crochet Patterns from many others. They were so kind to list them in my small growing crochet directory.
All the charts you see on this site have a crochet pattern link next to them. Click that link, that will be your free crochet pattern. Free to print or save to your computer.
I have made all the free filet and crochet charts, in a PDF format. This way they will be easier to print out if needed. Even the print out of the crochet chart will be easy to read!
Search features on the site are set up to help you search the internet for instructional crochet videos. If your the beginning crocheter or the more advanced. Searching to crochet fun creative projects, you will find many wonderful instructional videos there as well.
Here are a few examples of some free crochet pattern charts available. There are so many free filet crochet charts, I couldn't possibly show you them all. Click the thumbnail for larger viewing.
I have also added over 1200 Persoanlized Crochet Name Charts.
(Thank you to all that participated in suggesting the names)
My Copyright Disclaimer:
All charts are copyrighted in my Graph Collections, unless they are created with shared images, then only the chart itself is copyrighted. The items you create with these charts are yours. They cannot be mass-produced without permission or Charts displayed on other sites without written consent. Links to my site or to the chart directly is always allowed.
Thank you for visiting my site.
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